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Keeping fit travelling fulltime

Family Fitness Fulltime Travel

Keeping fit while travelling fulltime is very important.  I mean between all the happy hours and cheese platters (I know, you all know, how much I love them!).  It is really important to stay fit and healthy and have a balance.

Before you leave

From a very young age our girls learned to walk quickly.  Both Brett and I walk very fast, not on purpose, maybe we are just excited to get where we are going! 

On all our travels over the years, there has never been an issue of kids whining about doing physical exercise or questioning, will the girls be able to do it.  They are 'can do' people and always up for a new challenge, lucky yes, but also they were brought up this way.  But, we do see a lot of parents having issues with this while on our travels.  So, what can you do to try and get the kids ready for your awesome adventures you will have, on your travels.  

Get out and about more

WA TrailsIf you intend on doing treks or hiking while on your travels, and you haven't taken them on one before, you can't expect them to understand what is involved.  Get out and do some local hikes, work out what food, fruit and nuts they like that will provide energy on longer walks or trails.  Don't forget some bribery material for longer walks, if things get desperate (ie. lollies, quick sugar hit to lift spirits).

Trolltunga, Norway

When we did Trolltunga last year in Norway, a 28km trek, I was very thankful to have natural confectionary (brought from Australia/home) snakes to provide an incentive on the return stretch. One snake = 1km which she didn't really need but was lots of fun and we were so proud of her!

Let them help plan, what do they need to take, how long is the walk, appropriate footwear, hat, walking pants, first aid kit ect.  There are an abundance of learning opportunities and discussions in this alone.  We always say, safety first. Build awareness, observation skills and teach them risk assessment all while ENJOYING the outdoors.

When walking to the park, pick up the pace a bit, teach them to observe their surroundings, keep an eye on each other and spot animals, plants and the path they are walking on.  If you make it a game they will not even realise they are getting fitter and faster all while learning. 

Depending on age, of course when at the park, throw in some fun exercises and join in!  There is nothing your kids love more than you making a clown of yourself, so don't worry if it has been a while since doing it. 

Travel workout no equipment

Here is some ideas that we use, courtesy of Miss B

Jump Tucks

Exercise with kids

Crab Walks

Fitness while you travel


Exercise no equipment

Jump Rope

Family Fitness while you travel

Walking Lunges

Travel Fitness

Push Ups

No Equipment fitness

Full Extensions

Travel Fitness

Jumping Jacks

Fitness on the Road

Exercise Equipment

Ok, so no surprises here.  You had to cull to a couple of pairs of shoes before leaving, so there is no way exercise equipment will be taking up valuable space in your rig.  But, as you can see above we did take a sports rope with us, but we are fulltime on the road. 

You don’t need equipment to keep fit on the road.  There are lots of opportunities on the road to get out and keep fit.


Parkrun AustraliaEvery Saturday all around the world, volunteers run a 5km run, called Parkrun. Held in various locations, all noted on their website.  They are timed and recorded using a registered barcode. 

You can get wristbands, or disks that can be put on your shoelaces with your registered and emergency contact details.  A fantastic FREE fitness activity for the whole family.

Weetbix Tryathlon

Obviously, you have to time your arrival for the event in capital cities around Australia for this one.  But it is only one day and what a great experience!  Miss B ran one last year and had a blast!  Teaching them the importance of training, stamina and lots of emphasis on the TRY, everyone is a winner for participating. 

We used this as training for some big treks we did last year and used the training for this event as physical education, learning about health and food in her worldschooling lessons. 

Swim Leg

Bike Leg


Fitness while roadtripping

Home Stretch

Parks with exercise equipment

exercise circuitThey are everywhere on your travels and if used correctly can be a wonderful way of mixing things up a bit from your regular routine and FREE. 

Everyone loves free.

We found one in Belgium that was fabulous, plenty of them in Australia too and take the time to show the kids how to use the equipment properly.  There are a lot of exercise circuits along beach fronts in Australia.


Multiple Running Events round Australia

Aasics Fun Run PerthMiss B and i ran the Aasics 5km run in Perth while staying there.  A lovely run along the Swan river and finishing right near Elizabeth Quay in the city. 

They are a great way to meet people and if the weather is nice, there is never a bad time to have blue skies and sunshine!  Normally ran in April check their website for more details.


City2Surf is ran all around Australia and has various length running events up to the grand daddy marathon.  Normally held in August in Perth.  Check their website for more details on your location.  For a bit of fun you can dress up too!

Travel has plenty of fitness opportunities

Everyone likes different activities and has different sporting gear with them.  Biking anywhere is fun, breathe fresh area and healthy family fun. All of you will be doing lots of walking around cities, towns, beaches and national parks. 

We have had some great suggestions and workout options given to us by other travellers, I will endeavour to pass them on over time on Facebook so you can all benefit too!

There is standup paddle boarding, swimming, canoeing, hiking, trekking, playgrounds – the important part is to get out there and get active! 


Life on the road



You can read more tips and tricks in our Life on the road series


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